Sunday, June 22, 2008

Music Report...FINALLY

I know, I know...I've heard it from many of you and the music report is back.  My apologies!

I'll start with some tracks that I can't stop listening to...

The Russian Futurists, "Precious Metals":  It's poppy and fun and you need it.
Mason Jennings, "Be Here Now":  I found it on my iPod while it was on random, and it is a terrific song. 
John Mayer, "Say":  So the guy has been making some mistakes lately, but this song is too good to toss to the side.  Just give it a listen.

Now for some albums (and thanks to those of you who provided the recommendations!):

Coldplay "Viva La Vida":  C'mon, you all knew I was going to mention this one.  I have to admit, that contrary to every other Coldplay album, I didn't LOVE it the first time I listened.  It definitely had to grow on me...but aside from the first two singles, Viva La Vida and Violet Hill, the track Strawberry Swing is my favorite.  The lyrics are stellar and the guitar is hypnotizing...

Cut Copy "In Ghost Colors":  If you like to dance and you love 80's music, then you will appreciate these Aussies.  It's very different than anything I've heard, which is always a good thing.  Tracks of note are Lights and Music & Out There On the Ice.

Wintersleep "Welcome to the Night Sky":  I love the lead singer's voice and the Weighty Ghost track is reminiscent of Peter Gabriel.

My Morning Jacket "Evil Urges":  Contrary to what the reviews say, you need this CD.  "Thank You Too!" is my favorite song and I definitely put it on repeat over and over again...

Elbow "The Seldom Seen Kid":  I've been a fan of Elbow for a couple years now and this new album is buy-worthy.  Grounds For Divorce and One Day Like This are my two favorite tracks.  

Amp Live "Rainydaze":  This is a free download from a San Fran DJ who remixed some of the In Rainbows tracks.  I'm a pretty harsh critic when it comes to remakes and remixes of music that I feel passionately about, but this is unbelievable.  There are rhymes by Too Short, Del, Chali 2Na....and a soulful cover of 15

Well I think that's enough musically deliciousness for today.  Overindulge and enjoy!

Oh yeah...and the tickets for the Houston Coldplay Show (11.18) will go on sale Saturday 6.28 at 10am.  Let's hope I get my pre-sale this week...

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